Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Today was a pretty good day. It started with this really cool monk who everybody calls Fabio who set up a group just for ARCH, which was pretty cool. His name sounds something like that but I don't know how to spell it. Well anyway, all the monks are especially cool to us, I guess they really appreciate us being here. After that, we got potatoes with our lunch which was really cool. Oh man, I'm getting excited for potatoes; I really need to eat meat soon. Later we went to the happy farm again and I had a good time even though I had a back ache and a sore throat. I transported the compost over to the plants and I was really excited because I got to get my boots dirty. Unfortunately this time was our last time on the happy farm. I also found some more cats; I named one Denny's and I named the other Alex after the guy from A Clock Work Orange because the cat looks like it has eyeliner in its left eye like the movie. Anyway I think that's all. Bye!


  1. haha, i read taylor's blog about the cats. they might have fleas on them, but who cares? i love cats. --JJ

  2. I hope you feel better and I am glad you enjoyed your day. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip even though there are not too many days. Namaste.

  3. Hey, Chip!

    I am so happy you are on such a fabulous trip! This is one of the best ever.

    Who would have thought your farming experience would be so helpful....

    Take care, stay safe and see you soon.

