Friday, May 13, 2016


What's up everyone. Today we said goodbye to plum village and are starting what is going to be a pretty long journey across the Atlantic and back to the U.S. Of A. I had a really cool experience because Karim, one of the people in plum village working on the Wake Up Schools Project, interviewed me. It was pretty cool feeling like I made a positive impact on the place before I left. It was a bitter sweet thing leaving that place. After a week there it feels like you won't be able to function in the quick society that's outside plum village. I really do feel like I can apply some of the principles I learned there in my daily life. I also feel a sense of peace in the community there that is pretty unique. I am excited to go back to San Diego considering how much freedom I'm going to have compared to here. I have been reading up on my Physics and some Boat design ratios, so when I go back doing Physics will not be difficult even though I have to put my butt in gear to finish early. Good night.


  1. See you in four weeks (unless of course you get profiled by trump-supporting TSA officers on your way back to the US...)

  2. You're blogs are always nice to read, and I can't wait to see all the pictures you took along with the stories you will tell. I miss you and I'll see you soon. -Faith

  3. Matt!! This was a very positive blog!! i liked how you talked about making a positive impact on the place before leaving

  4. Good idea see you in America. Namaste.
