Thursday, May 5, 2016

CJ: Day 5

So, today we had a walking tour of San Sebastian that, due to many wars and conflicts, was burned six times and is currently full of underground meat markets that have every piece of the butchered animal on sale. There were many great and pretty sights that will never be forgotten.

Now to the fun part! I got Eric in the water where we tried to teach him the way of the zombie. Body surfing may also have occured. Then Matt and Chip began digging in the beach and ended up starting a new religious sect of "the hole." After I was done swimming, I too took interest in this great gaping hole and joined the now religious cult lead by Eric as the great defender from Camelot. This great hole became a deep, ghastly, all-consuming hole. The hole was then forsaken because we had to eat dinner, and we hailed our high priest Eric for the last time. Yeah, this is just the kinda stuff that happens before we go to happy fun Buddhist town where I look forward to mindful silence. That was today! 


  1. Very nice. The descriptions of your experience these last four days make my jealous. The beaches, the tours, and the people. How great. No need to say enjoy it, appreciate it and remember it. Based on your posts that is exactly what you are doing.

  2. The history of San Sebastian is really interesting, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Congrats on getting Eric in the water, and were the waves big!? Eric the Great Defender of Camelot... nice!! Sounds like a good day before you head to Plum Village. I know you will have an amazing time in Plum Village, and I hope you come back with some knowledge that you can teach me. I miss you back here, and Namaste. -Faith

  3. It appears that you have had another successful and fun day do keep enjoying your trip as you travel through the lands of mindfulness, PlumVillage.

  4. Have fun in Plum Village! hope you get lots and lots of pictures to share! --JJ

  5. Haha this blog made me laugh!!! The beach sounds amazing and tell your "High Priest Eric" congratulations for surfing in the waves!! Miss you guys!!
