Monday, May 2, 2016

Chip: Today was a pretty fun and tiring day. I will start by telling all of the tiring stuff first so that this thing can end on a good note. When we went to the San Diego air port, we didn't get to leave at the time we wanted due to technical difficulties. We waited another few hours but I got to get Jack in the Box. Yeah!!!! There was no movie on the plane to JFK, instead some dumb NBC doctor show. Booooo!!!! And I guess that's all the tiring stuff so on to the good stuff. I got to see New York which was totally gnar! A New York native sat next to me and pointed out all the sites from the plane. I was really excited to be in the JFK airport because there was an episode of Seinfeld in JFK. When we went on the plane to London, I saw Mel Brook's Young Frankenstein. Gene Walker is pretty awesome! I was really excited to see London since I've never been there. It's nice and cold and I like that. I'm having a lot of fun with my fellow peers and all the staff. I'm really grateful for Eric, Drew, Cooper, Beth, Heather, Taylor, Cheryl, and John. All of them are amazing and very patient people. I've got to go cause Diana is rushing me. Bye!!!


  1. Well, I'm happy you had a fun yet tiring day. I heard that there were some technical difficulties, but at least you all got to Spain safely. Happy to hear you had fun on the plane talking to a New York native, and who doesn't love Jack in the Box? Unlike in Spain, the temperature here is warm and sunny. Have a good day! - Faith

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Did you order a Jumbo Jack with cheese with no mayo and no onion?? Thats what I get (: Have fun in Spain!!!!!

  4. Today has been a sunny and quiet day. Each of us has set a goal for mod work completion. Yea for accomplishments. We enjoyed your first day of comments. Hopefully, most of you are recovered from jet lag, and you are beginning to feel alive again. Lin has created a "Critical Thinking" time in our day as well as some physical activity to keep us awake and energized. Miss all of you. It is 3 pm here. That means all of you are probably asleep and dreaming of your next exciting adventure. Take care. Lin

  5. Miss you! Hope you're having a blast! Love, Mom

  6. (OK - just wanted to make sure that worked before writing more.)
    Sounds like it was quite an ordeal getting to Spain, but hopefully you're enjoying the sights, food, and your company as much as I think you are. Dinah keeps waking me up early to drive you to school/swimming, so things are pretty much the same old same old here. :)
    Miss you, but so glad you are having this amazing experience.
    Love, Mom
