Monday, May 9, 2016


So today we went to New Hamlet which I did not know existed. Its like the Upper Hamlet, but... you know... newer. And smaller to a degree. I don't know, this place is huge! You need buses to get to it. But anyway while up t--A cricket just landed on me. As I'm writing this. It's very windy today--Back on track. While up there a dharma talk was given and it was done in English instead of Vietnamese just for us. They seem to be paying special attention to us. Not sure why though. Afterward we shared a bonding moment as we all described how we were losing our sanity. Thank god tomorrow and the rest of this evening are a lazy days. Anyway, we talked about our feelings and how we were doing since coming here. It helped me a lot actually. This group was again held especially for the Arch students or those who felt they were high schoolers at heart and a singer named Betzi was there. She was staying at Lower Hamlet and was a song writer for equality and all that stuff. But she was interesting. At the end we all sang "Imagine."

Yesterday I realized something. And today made it way more obvious, particularly when we all lost our marbles. I haven't said it to my parents but... thanks for sending me to Spain, for guiding me, for putting food on the table, for sending me to Buddhist monasteries where I can enjoy peace and lose all sanity. Thanks a lot for driving me there and thanks for coming for me; thanks a lot for putting a roof over my head; thanks a lot for working and choosing to live where we do where there aren't any bugs; thanks a lot for putting up with my ungrateful snot-nosed [expletive] attitude; thanks for raising me. I can't thank enough. Thanks for not giving up on me mom. Happy Mother's Day. And Dad, too, I guess. But hey, it's her day. You'll get your day.


  1. Hey CJ,
    it seems to be a common trend within the Arch community that collaborative loss of sanity is always great for bonding.
    You mentioned bugs-
    what species are you all seeing up there? Can you be persuaded to take some photos?
    I appreciate that you, Wesley, and Noah have been led to believe that the spelling of my name is common for its pronunciation..... mwahahahaha

  2. Sounds like a great day, and the ending of your passage is very sweet. I miss you back at home, and Namaste. -Faith

  3. I would have to say that the topic touched upon is great topic knowing that all of Arch Academy can expand upon together, if that makes any sense in the world. In other news, do enjoy the rest of your days in relaxation and mindfulness. Namaste.

  4. Thanks buddy. We had a nice day-Yia Yia came over and Matthew once again unwrapped her present when we were not looking. Hope you can remember these feelings when you get back home. Love, Mom

  5. Hope you enjoy the lazy days! --JJ

  6. CJ good to see you are having a good experience.
    You are welcome.
