Sunday, May 15, 2016



Thank you Plum Village! You guys helped me set my dream job into a goal. I want to be a herpetologist, and I started that by looking at the frogs and holding a lizard. Thank you. Mom and dad, thank you for letting me go on this trip! Dad, thank you for helping me get a lot of bottle caps for money.


Thank you to everyone who helped me get to Plum Village! It really helped me because I think meditating can help me very much. I will remember to be mindful to myself. I'll see you soon in New York and remember to use my passport and the envelope to the security in the airport.

CJ: DAY 14

Well, here I am: sitting in an airport and awaiting what I can presume are many travel complications. I want to thank Plum Village for the experience. It has already been a little chaotic on our way back and I don't know how I would have acted before. I now have new tools to use, and a new outlook on older tools. This has already been very helpful to me. I can't thank you enough. And thanks to my parents. I know this hasn't been the easiest trip, but it means a lot to me. 


Hey everyone! I just wanted to take time to say thank you to all the people on the trip and everyone in Plum Village. I want to thank all the monks and all of the long-terms, short-terms, and one-weekers. You guys helped me figure out how to deal with my emotions in a much more effective way and how to get joy out of the simpler things in life. Also, thanks to all the staff who took me on this transformative trip!


Hello everyone, I wanted to say thanks to a few people. First I would like to say thank you to Plum Village for letting us come and be part of their culture. It was great being  peaceful and being able to slow down from our normally fast-paced life. I would also like to thank the chaperones for helping on the trip. Thank you to Taylor, Cooper, Drew, Eric, Cheryl, John, Beth, and Heather. Thank you to everyone back home commenting on the blogs. And thank you Cheryl for doing all you do!!!!


I would like to say thanks to all the monks at Plum village for taking us all in and letting us experience their way of life for a week. They were all super chill and likable and being there taught me that sometimes I have to slow down and get myself and my mind organized. I would also like to thank all the chaperones: Taylor, Cooper, Eric, Drew, Beth, John, Heather, and Cheryl. I know we can be a handful sometimes and I thank you for your patience. I also want to thank everyone back home. All of your support and blog responses keep us going.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

CJ: DAY 13

Today was actually bittersweet. We left Plum Village. I didn't sleep the night before. Then I slept in and skipped breakfast (aside for some apples because, I swear, if I have to eat oatmeal again I'm going to be sick). Then I packed and read most of the day, enjoying the rain while reading "A Farewell to Arms." Which I finished. Good book. Then we left Plum Village. Part of me wanted to stay. It was like an oasis that I was a bit sad to leave. The other part of me wanted actual food. So after a long train ride we arrived at Bordeaux. There was a relativity Americanized pizza shop conveniently located across from the train station. I had a pizza and, oh my god -- after a week of vegan food did I need actual food. As far as I could tell everyone else was one the same page as there seemed to be every member of the animal kingdom on the table. Then we took a very long bus ride and I dragged mine and Eric's heavy bags 200 meters and up a flight of stairs to a Best Western that has been styled to look like an American movie studio. So now I bid you all good night.


Today we had our last day in Plum Village. I went for a walk in Plum Village with John and I told him if I ever get married I am having my honeymoon in Plum Village. But because we had no meat this week, on the way down to the train station I saw cows and said, "fresh meat!" For dinner tonight I had some delicious salmon. That made me think of me and my dog together. I can't wait to see my dog. We are at a Best Western right now and it is nothing like the one in Dover.

Friday, May 13, 2016


May 13


Back to Bordeaux!!

Today was our last day at Plum Village! We enjoyed a "lazy morning" as they call it, although most of us were up by 7 purely out of habit at this point. After cleaning up our rooms and packing up, we enjoyed a standard Plum Village vegan lunch and enjoyed a few more mindful games of ping pong. As the students and staff said their goodbyes to the monks and other Plum Village visitors, I couldn't help but marvel at how much all the students had grown over the course of the trip.

I saw CJ go from missing his video games to gaining an appreciation for nature. This coupled with a quiet and respectful approach for problem solving revealed a side of him some of the new staff had never seen before. He even read his first book for American Literature while on the trip! Although he is a little worried about applying this to his life outside of the village, we're confident that with a little help this is more than possible. We can't wait to see the go pro footage from the San Sebastián swim!

Chip has overcome his shyness around the students and staff and continues to crack up the entire staff and student body. He has also been pursuing his passion of photography on the trip, and it's been nice to see his friendship with Matt develop as they went off on adventures in Plum Village. Chip is a great traveler and an excellent addition to our group.

As I've stated before, Noah is arguably the most mindful of the whole bunch. His enthusiasm for Plum Village kept our spirits up when some of us were pretty done with the whole farming thing. I've also seen him talk to his peers a lot more on the trip than I have at school, something we expect to continue well after the trip. I also got a glimpse of his dry wit on this trip, and I expect he has many more one liners up his sleeve.

Wesley learned a myriad of life lessons on the trip, and successfully handled a week of quiet mindfulness. At times he handled it better than even the staff could! He was always the one willing to try the craziest thing on the menu throughout the trip and had great questions for the monks. He was truly a positive driving force throughout our time in Europe.

Diana was an excellent traveler throughout the Spain portion of the trip, but the real treat was seeing her branch out and talk to people outside our group in Plum Village. She joined pickup soccer games, ate with new people, and always kept her head up even though she was the only girl student on the trip. This was great to see because it means one thing to us: Diana is ready for college this Fall. We couldn't be more proud of Diana for getting into Mills College, not to mention her scholarships!! Besides that, Diana was a great morale booster during the times when Cheryl was sick on the trip. Well done, Seabiscuit!

Matt maintains his status as the wild card of the group, but a growing sense of maturity has shown itself as well. He really took charge as a leader, and it was nice to see him making decisions that positively affected both himself and his peers. We really couldn't have done this trip without his planning and constantly emailing the monks. We can't wait to see the video he puts together! Mundaka surf club!

As I sit here in my Bordeaux hotel room, I am sad to see the trip ending but happy to have been a part of this amazing experience. I'd like to thank John for introducing us to the wonder that is Plum Village and accompanying us on this journey. I'd also like to thank Cheryl for sticking it out while being sick, and most importantly for her 25 years of dedication to make this school a reality. I wouldn't be writing these sentences without her.

Most importantly, I want to thank the kids and their wonderful parents for facilitating this life-changing trip. We wouldn't have a school without students, and Arch just wouldn't be the same without the support group that you parents provide for your children.

Also, shout out to my life coach Beth for handling logistics for this trip and making sure we all arrived at each destination in one piece. Another shout out to Eric for his French skills, without which we would still be on the wrong platform at the Bordeaux train station asking, "Qua?"

And of course thank you to all of our chaperones and Plum Village monks for hosting us. I apologize for not writing more but I need to head to bed for our flights home tomorrow!

While we would love to answer any and all questions you may have about the trip when we arrive at the San Diego airport, please save them for Monday as we have just one day off to adjust to the time difference before hitting the cove for Zombie swimming.

Au revoir!!


YA!!!!!!! We are going home!! Today I woke up to Cheryl yelling at me saying that it is noon and I have to pack my stuff up in basically 10 minutes. I was running around packing up and after rushing I was finally packed. Cheryl told me that the van to get our stuff was going to arrive in three minutes, and to sit outside on a bench and wait. Before leaving the room, Cheryl told me to look at the top of her phone. When I did I saw the time.... It was actually 8:40 am. Not noon. After that we cleaned the farmhouse we stayed in and ate lunch. Then I played some ping pong. We got to the train station and then went to Bordeaux. We ate dinner and almost everyone got meat. We then went to a Best Western and now I am blogging. The end 


I can't wait to go home tomorrow morning. I packed up all my items before we left Plum Village. We got to the train station and ate at a restaurant. I was happy, because I felt like I was never going to eat American food or meat again because I only ate vegan food in Plum Village. We took a bus to go to the hotel near the airport and the hotel is best western. We'll be going to the airport tomorrow morning. For me I thought we were going to the airport today because I thought we were leaving France already but we're leaving tomorrow instead. I'll see you soon in New York and remember to give the passport or the paper to the security in the airport by myself.


What's up everyone. Today we said goodbye to plum village and are starting what is going to be a pretty long journey across the Atlantic and back to the U.S. Of A. I had a really cool experience because Karim, one of the people in plum village working on the Wake Up Schools Project, interviewed me. It was pretty cool feeling like I made a positive impact on the place before I left. It was a bitter sweet thing leaving that place. After a week there it feels like you won't be able to function in the quick society that's outside plum village. I really do feel like I can apply some of the principles I learned there in my daily life. I also feel a sense of peace in the community there that is pretty unique. I am excited to go back to San Diego considering how much freedom I'm going to have compared to here. I have been reading up on my Physics and some Boat design ratios, so when I go back doing Physics will not be difficult even though I have to put my butt in gear to finish early. Good night.


Today was a pretty good day. It was our final day in Plum Village so we didn't have to do anything until we left at 3:00. I slept in until 7:30 and the whole day I just read and played ping pong. At three we went to a train station to take a train to Bordeaux. when we went to Bordeaux, I finally got a hamburger and fries! I know my stomach is going to hate me for it but it was totally worth it. After that we took a really long bus to the hotel which is a Best Western that’s basically right next to the airport. On the whole trip a cool thing that happened is that everybody would ask me what time it was cause I’m the only guy with a watch. It was pretty cool cause it was like I was the guy with the watch, like we were in The Great Escape or the A Team, and having the watch was my thing. But it would be pretty cool if I were to be Steve McQueen. Well, I guess that’s it. This is my last blog post and tomorrow I will be in San Diego. It was a really fun trip and I have a lot to take out of it. Im so grateful for all the chaparones and especially Cheryl, John, Beth, and Matt for making all this possible. Bye!


Hi everyone!  Greetings from Plum Village.  This is a wonderful peaceful place and Arch Academy is enjoying all it has to offer.  The students seem to enjoy the freedom of the silence, reflection and work.  It is inspiring to watch them as they navigate Plum Village.  

Matt is making friends with everyone and is very popular with the monks.  He has done a great job planning this trip and we are grateful to him.

CJ is maturing and is very reflective.  He is engaged and relaxed.  He is also our business manager keeping track of our expenses.

Wesley is in heaven. He loves the nature and is so joyful.  The monks like his spirit!

Chip is having a great time.  He is helping the other students and is very relaxed.  His smile and sense of humor brings happiness to all of us.

Noah is patient and likes the walking meditation.  He has shown some emerging leadership qualities.

Diana was excited to meet a couple from Romania.  They gave her a political and economic overview of Romania. They told her that the Romanian gypsy culture is beautiful full of artists and poets.

That's it for know!  Thank you to Lin and Jamie for holding down the fort.  



Thursday, May 12, 2016


May 12


A day of lasts here at Plum Village: last morning meditation (goodbye noble sangha!), last Day of Mindfulness (goodbye Dharma talks!), last Dharma sharing (goodbye making monks compete to hear Arch kids share their feelings!). If we're being honest, however, it won't be the last day Drew wears unlaundered socks that look like potato skins (hello airport security!).

Our day of mindfulness went much like Sunday's with the exception being that the minds of New Hamlet came to our little hilltop retreat for the bulk of the day. That necessitated a little tidying up in preparation. Diana and I helped arrange the tables and benches in the dining hall before the sisters began pouring out of a passel of upright French minivans. The Dharma talk was delivered in French, THANK HEAVEN, because all this English was killing me. The speaker related the tale of Kieu (accents omitted), something of a Vietnamese epic love poem. He used the life of its main character, a girl named Kieu, to talk about the three types of love: Eros (passion), Philia (friendship), and Agapé (unconditional love). Betsy Rose once again sang a few songs, one of which was a poem by Tich Nhat Hanh put to music called... "My Face in My Hands." I find it deeply moving and as I looked around the room, I noticed that the students seemed particularly taken with its--oh, who am I kidding. They were all sleep.

The Dharma sharing that followed, however, was unique enough to keep everyone at attention. Cheryl encouraged us all to consider how to take the changes we've made here back with us, especially C.J. who has been not only calm but thoughtful (he's willingly reading Hemingway! Shh! Don't break the spell!) Wesley noted how Plum Village has been full of positive and negatives. And Noah... well, Noah's the mindfulness pro we all aspire to be. Everyone here has experienced some kind of change, even if it's something as simple as eating with more consideration of where the food came from (Matt's commitment). The difficulty comes in knowing that this change hasn't been experienced by our loved ones back home. Consequently, there's one question that dogs us all: Will the change stick or when, once back in the same environment I left, well I revert to... less mindful habits?

The only sure thing is that we're soon homeward bound. Speaking for all the chaperones, I know I'm looking forward to the 24-36 hour coma that I intend to slip into Saturday evening, hopefully after getting home. I expect everyone will have questions galore but they'll have to wait (unless you speak international air travel zombie, which... no you don't.)

So, life is set to return to normal come Monday morning. Just how normal none of us quite knows yet.


Today, in our last day at Plum Village, we did morning meditation like normal but walking meditation along a different path. I'm excited to go home back to America on Saturday. We did working meditation and listened to one of the monks talk about how meditation helps us. We did a group share about how thankful we are to the monks in Plum Village. Tomorrow, we going to leave Plum Village at three p.m. I'm going to see you soon in New York and I'll try to take care of myself in the airport. I'll remember what to do in the JKF airport.


Today was a pretty chill day. Last night, we got to read all the blog responses and it was really fun. I got pretty excited when I heard responses from all the people,. They really lifted my spirits, especially the ones from my mom. Matt and I played a ton of ping-pong today but he has still only beaten me twice. He is getting a lot better though. I have taught him well... maybe too well. Anyway, I took a lot of pictures today to make up for all the ones I didn't take earlier since this is our last day in Plum Village. I can't wait to get out and eat some meat. My stomach will be very pleased. We had a sharing with brother Chad who is seriously cool. We also saw Betsy Rose today who is , again, also really cool. Everybody here is pretty cool except for some of the visitors. They take themselves too seriously and it just comes off as being pretentious. Later in the day Matt and I went into the nature and we climbed some trees before dinner. There were potatoes at dinner! SCORE! This funny thing happened today where a monk came up to Wesley and Drew whilst they were playing basketball and the monk just took the ball and walked away. It was hilarious but I was pretty scared. Ok, that's all. Bye!


Hey everyone who has the time to read this. Today we had a pretty hardcore meeting. We all had a bunch of emotions and it was good. Except for me because I didn't really have any emotions. I kind of expected everything that was here. I learned a couple of important ways of dealing with my excitement and my other emotions. I also saw the school growing closer which was cool. I'm excited to come home and be in England for like 45 minutes so I can overspend for ice cream and laugh at the silly accents. I also like going to England because its funny that their empire lost our colonies. American revolution. Good night.


To day after breakfast we did some mindful working. Then we had lunch. After lunch we had a mindfulness meeting. A girl from Romania came and talked to me and that felt good. I saw more frogs, played ping-pong, basketball, and soccer. The frogs I saw today were bright green. I saw Cheryl with her feet all muddy and she said, as she pointed at them, "I tried to catch you a frog." So, tonight we might go frog hunting (editor's note: or frog "mindfully catching"). Tomorrow we are leaving Plum Village. This week was fun but boring. It was hard for me to stay still during mindful meditation time. Mom and dad, on Saturday night when I come home I want a big rare juicy cheese burger and water melon. I miss my meat. On Sunday I am going to sleep in and, when I wake up, have a big egg sandwich for lunch with my dog. I miss him.

CJ: DAY 12

So it's the end. I feel good. I think this place has helped me. Today we had another dharma talk and dharma share but it feels good to be over and on our way home. We played another game of soccer against the monks. Not a good idea. They play three sports in Vietnam: soccer, volleyball, and pingpong, which is what they have here. Oh, and the Americans I know brought basketball. But we lost and I hurt my leg again. And that's my day. Betzi can't believe I forgot to tell you about this. A few days ago, Chip and I saw a ton of ants hauling away a dead spider. The ants here are much larger than the ones in San Diego. About three times to give you reference. So, yeah, a bunch of ants hauling a spider away so we poked it with a stick and really thought it was dead. Then I left them but Chip later told me that it was actually alive and it ran away. Unfortunately my camera broke but I'm sure someone got a picture. Any way see you all later.


Hello, I hope all is well! I want a burger really bad. I woke up and meditated and then had breakfast. Then we did working meditation and we had to clean up the place for the visitors from New Hamlet. We had a dharma talk with them and then I slept. After sleeping I went to the bookstore and bought some stuff, then we ate lunch and had a dharma sharing. I then played soccer and got kicked in the lower shin area. It hurts a lot, but I will survive because I'm strong like bull. After dinner, I hung out with Eric, Cooper, Taylor, and Drew. Now I am blogging. Oh, and they don't say "namaste" here (editor's note: they do say "good morning" and "good night" though).

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


May 11


Another day in Plum Village! 

This morning after breakfast the monks had prepared a special group activity just for Arch -- awesome!! We watched a great video, and then one of the monks drew a diagram leading us into a deep conversation about overcoming drama, our feelings, how to navigate/manage/balance those feelings, and the conscious and subconscious mind. We discussed seeing beyond stereotypes, how we define ourselves, and the specific emotions we feel drive us. Finally the group finished with a pretty fun game and a really cool song, it was great!

We also worked out at Happy Farms again today, on a range of mulching, planting, and manure-scooping activities. I personally was on the mulching crew. One interesting aspect of that particular job is that every time you find a slug, you have to literally throw it as far away from the crops as possible. Well, I threw a whopping 39 slugs. Cooper doesn't think this is possible, and that I must have miscounted. Personally, I just think Cooper can't recognize my slug-tossing skill. Anyway, today was our last day of working at Happy Farm. Working on the farm was definitely a new experience for a lot of our group, but I think it's safe to say we all share a lot of gratitude for the time we spent out there.

Outside of working on the farm and our special group activity, the rest of the day went on pretty much as normal. Meditation, tasty vegan food, and a lot of sports and games! I personally really enjoyed playing ping pong with CJ and Chip today (as well as saying hello to some cats that invaded the table as we played). Others enjoyed games of soccer or basketball.

I think the group consensus at the end of today is that we're all pretty beat. But it's a happy tired. As our days here at Plum Village wind down we all are doing a lot of reflecting, both on our experiences here and on our more internal states. Hope all is well back home, we can't wait to see all of you! (And since I haven't done a blog yet and I know she's been reading, a special shoutout to my mom. Hi momma!!)

~Namaste Everybody~


Today was a pretty good day. It started with this really cool monk who everybody calls Fabio who set up a group just for ARCH, which was pretty cool. His name sounds something like that but I don't know how to spell it. Well anyway, all the monks are especially cool to us, I guess they really appreciate us being here. After that, we got potatoes with our lunch which was really cool. Oh man, I'm getting excited for potatoes; I really need to eat meat soon. Later we went to the happy farm again and I had a good time even though I had a back ache and a sore throat. I transported the compost over to the plants and I was really excited because I got to get my boots dirty. Unfortunately this time was our last time on the happy farm. I also found some more cats; I named one Denny's and I named the other Alex after the guy from A Clock Work Orange because the cat looks like it has eyeliner in its left eye like the movie. Anyway I think that's all. Bye!


Today, we did meditation like every morning. After that I walked around and relaxed in the village. We had a group meeting about our trip and I told everybody about how peaceful Plum Village is. We went to a different meditation hall for some listening meditation. We saw a video about people's feelings and about what they are and how different they were. I talked about good and bad things during the listening meditation that sometimes distract us in the village. We did walking meditation in a different path and we went to the happy farm from yesterday. I carried some dirt in the wheel barrow to the plants. Tomorrow will be our last full day at Plum Village. I'll see you soon after the trip!

CJ: DAY 11

So today was the top of a hill for me. The last day of hard work and most of the day tomorrow is dharma talks. But today was good. Meditation has become easy. Chiefly because I found a way to sit that does not hurt my legs. Then we had a private group with one of the monks. This group was focused on drama and recognizing it, acknowledging it, and letting it go. After this I played some ping-pong and then we had working meditation. Again, I shoveled "compost," which is just another way of saying "poo-poo." Then during the dharma sharing after I put my hands in something spiky and now my hands are irritated. Oh, I forgot to mention walking meditation earlier which was again quite tranquil. After shoveling cow turd (pretty sure it was cow crap mixed with rotten vegetables), a soccer game was held and I participated. I unfortunately messed up my ankle but my shoes  aren't meant for running. Then we had dinner with the other people that played. Everyone here is quite nice. Anyway that's all for tonight. I look forward to my return home and a nice burger. Because as Cheryl put it, the rice is starting to look like the oatmeal. Peace.


Today morning meditation was very relaxing. After breakfast we did our own personal thing with just the Arch students and staff and brother Fabio, then we did our walking meditation. The whole time, brother Fabio led me by my hand. Then we had lunch and after I took a short nap. Then we went and worked at the Happy Farm. Eric and I helped with planting cucumbers, tomatoes, and flowers. After that we had dinner. Today I also played more ping-pong and basketball. I'm sitting by the frog pond right now as I write this. There are so many! I think the frogs have been my favorite part of my trip. Plum Village has both frogs and cats. Plum Village is great but their is no meat I have been tempted to make a spear and go get some meat.


Today was fun! I woke up and meditated again. Then we had a talk about the labels we put on people and we did an exercise to focus on our breathing. After that, we did walking meditation and then had lunch. For working meditation we went to the Happy Farm and I had a lot of fun composting. Then I played soccer. It was so awesome! I was defense all the time. I did better than the last game! I then ate dinner and blogged and now it's off to play ping-pong with some monks before evening meditation. 


So today Brother Phap Dung (Fap Young, or Fabio to anyone who can't pronounce the Vietnamese version) gave us a really cool presentation about Buddhist stuff and what I can do personally about extreme emotions so that I don't make impulsive decisions. I am actually learning a good amount about my emotions and how to deal with them. I was really humbled today learning about Buddhism and working on the farm. The learning experience was invaluable, specifically knowing all the work that goes in to farming. This is important because when I see tomatoes in the market I will know how much effort went in to farming them. I also got time to think while working with my hands. Anyway, good night everyone.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


May 10


Cucumbers, Reading, Table Tennis

Either I'm getting used to the Plum Village lifestyle or farming today was a little easier than a few days ago. Either way, I had a lot of fun working on Happy Farm today! I spent my two hour session planting cucumbers and pumpkins with Taylor and Heather, while the rest of the group completed an assortment of other tasks. After that we shared what we learned and experienced in a group setting which was very cool. Between breakfast and lunch, we spent some time learning about the 5 precepts of Buddhism. It was very interesting to dive into the theory behind their practice rather than just meditate and sing, although these are of course important as well.  CJ volunteered to read a part that was about avoiding distracting oneself from life with video games and other such activities, which he pointed out was fitting.

Cheryl has been sick pretty much since we got to Plum Village, but fortunately John located a Spanish doctor who stays here from time to time. Shout out to Eric for packing a ton of Imodium and other such remedies. The doctor had some concentrated electrolytes on hand, so that has been a big help in getting her back in good health. John biked into town today to get some more medicine for her, and now she's back at the tea house eating dinner. We're all very happy to see her out and about again.

I believe we're hosting one of the other hamlets here for a meal later in the week, and it looks like we'll be staying in Bordeaux Friday night so we can make our flight early Saturday morning.

Ping pong, basketball, and hiking continue to be driving factors in our activities this week. The farmers and monks all love the kids, and I'm sure they all wish they'd been exposed to a more mindful way of thinking a little earlier in life. While none of us are planning on shaving our heads and donning brown robes, I think we'll all come back with a greater appreciation for the simpler things in life and a more positive outlook. 


Today was a pretty good day. I had fun playing basketball with Drew, Cooper, and Wesley. Wesley is really good at basketball and we played a game with a guy from New Zealand. I played a lot of ping-pong with Matt and some other people. After that, we went to the Happy Farm (except Cheryl didn't come with us). I feel kind of sorry for her since she's sick and I think it may be bad. Well anyway, we went to the Happy Farm and I mulched the plants. It was pretty fun because whenever I saw a slug, I got to throw it as far as I could. All the people at the farm are really nice people except I don't think anybody else likes to do work on the farm. I finally got to use my boots since it rained last night. Well I should go now. This post is kind of short so I'll make it up for a longer one next time. Bye!


This morning was good but the evening was not. After breakfast this morning I went and played basketball. Then we went and we did walking meditation. The nature was so pretty. When we sat down at the end of our walking meditation I laid down in the grass and dozed like an Indian. We also found a lizard and I've been seeing a lot of frogs. This trip is a start of me as a reptile scientist. Then we had lunch. After lunch we had to work in the fields. It was more tiring than push ups!

This evening was horrible though. People were helping me out for the way I was inappropriately socializing with Diana. Because of that I feel so helpless this evening. But I will just not talk or look at her for the rest of the trip. What I think would help is more kids. But I can still have a good time.


Today was great. I woke up and did guided meditation. After I ate breakfast, I learned about the five mindful trainings. We then did walking meditation and ate lunch. I took a nap and worked at Happy Farms. It was so much fun! I took plants out of a green house and organized them. I started singing "Why Can't We Be Friends" and Isaac, one of the farmers, started singing it with me. Then I ate dinner and blogged. I hope all is well back at home.

CJ: DAY 10

Today was back to the normal schedule. After waking early for meditation, we had breakfast. Today was focused on the mindful trainings. The monks have fourteen mindfulness trainings, but the beginner's version was only five. Of course, I was chosen to read the one on natural health. Or was it nutrition and healing? Whatever it was, it just dumped on my entire way of life. Then we had walking meditation where I walked with one of the monks who showed me how to see nature. It was quite nice and I enjoyed walking with him. Sadly, I can't remember his name. Something with an F (editor's note: it was Brother "Fabio"). Then we went to the Happy Farms where I shoveled compost. Now I am going to read Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms" for American Lit. So, good night.


Today, we did a normal schedule for Plum Village like morning meditation and did walking meditation. We also did the talking meditation about our feelings. During the walking meditation, we went on a different path than on Saturday. My shoes sometimes got muddy from the mud puddles and wet ground and I kept trying to clean my shoes because I didn't want them to get too dirty. We went to the Happy Farm where we went before. I worked on mulching by putting straw on the plants. Our trip is almost over and we'll be leaving Plum Village on Friday.


I have learned about many different things in this Buddhist environment. I have learned that I can go from being angry to becoming happy very easily if I want. I have also learned about about how Vietnamese is spoken and why it is difficult to speak Vietnamese (for Americans). It is because it is a mono-syllablic language. I played ping-pong with one of the monks and it was pretty awesome. I thought I was toast but I only lost by two points so it was pretty cool. Hey Eric, your hat and dead flower hat band make you look like a cowboy at a funeral (editor's note: baloney). This place is really communal and I have never been this "communal" for this long. I probably never will be ever again. Thanks for reading have a nice night.

Monday, May 9, 2016


May 9


Lazy Day: Table Tennis, Soccer, Hiking, Basketball

Today we enjoyed what the monks refer to as a "lazy day." That said, it was anything but lazy by most people's standards. Most of our group slept in till breakfast at 8am or a little later. Matt and Chip went for a nature hike right after breakfast, while I spent the bulk of the time between breakfast and lunch playing ping pong. CJ and I had a neck and neck tournament going throughout most of the day, while Wesley, Matt, and Noah joined in a little later. Noah has a mean serve, and when I told him this he simply replied, "Yes." Despite the short response, I must say I've never seen Noah as talkative with the Arch kids and staff as I've seen him here. Eric echoed this sentiment, saying he can't remember a week when he saw Noah smile this much. Actually, all of the kids seem pretty relaxed and happy here. I think they're having an easier time than the staff even! The monks all love the kids; Arch Academy is the talk of the town, or I guess more accurately the talk of the village.

When we got a little loud during the ping pong tournament CJ actually turned to a passerby and said, "sorry, I know this isn't very mindful." He simply smiled and replied, "Actually, it is very mindful to be in the moment." No harm no foul! A monk joined us at one point to watch the game, and my Swedish roommate also played a few games with us. I was surprised he played so well, but he explained this by saying, "I'm a Swede!" I guess Swedish people play a lot of ping pong? Things got real when Taylor stepped in, but CJ gave her a run for her money. Wesley proved a formidable foe as well. That said, they were all very good sports and shook hands after every match. John took a few of the kids on a short hike before lunch, and I think there was basketball at one point as well, but I was still immersed in the tournament at this point.

Plum Village is fun because it's reminiscent of a tiny college campus in some ways; if you're looking for someone you know they're at the tea house, the dining area, or the ping pong table. If we packed a hackie sack I swear we could just say, "Meet you on the quad!" Speaking of packing, I still don't have my suitcase. Last we heard it was in London and they were trying to send it to San Sebastián in time before Plum Village. The funny part is I wore my boots onto the plane in preparation for the supposed rain on the trip. Still no rain, and lacing/unlacing boots every time I go inside is getting a little old. That said, this week's been a little too fun to care.

Upon returning from my post-lunch hike I found Drew had started a pickup game of soccer with Diana, CJ, and Wesley. The Swede joined in as well, and soon even some of the monks did! There were a few English people who joined the game within a few minutes, so I guess technically they played football and not soccer. I got slow-mo footage of Drew blocking a monk's kick on my phone, which may be the funniest thing I've seen in a while. I can't get my phone to connect to wifi, but rest assured it will be on the internet soon! We also got some great photos of Eric and Noah wearing flower crowns that Taylor made, which will be online as soon as we can post them. Again, Internet isn't exactly a focal point of Plum Village life haha.

We had a Happiness Meeting today at 4:00, but Taylor had to leave before it even started because a wasp had found its way into her sweater and stung her. The irony was not lost on her. She mindfully let out a whispered scream inside the meditation hall, and we quickly got her outside to let the wasp free. Fortunately Eric had packed some aloe which helped.

It's almost dinner time, so I'm sure there will be even more exciting events to come before bedtime. That said, I wanted to start the blogs early today so the kids could get some good rest before another standard Plum Village day tomorrow. Hope all is well in California! We can't wait to see you all soon. 


Today was a pretty relaxing day. This morning we got to get up at 8:00, which is kind of late surprisingly. Breakfast wasn't really too good, as it always is, but something interesting that I always forget to mention is the inviting bell. They call ringing the bell inviting the bell here. Whenever a certain bell is invited everybody has to stop doing everything and be mindful. It's my favorite part of the day and it sounds like something from a twilight zone episode. But anyway, Matt and I went with a monk in training named Tony on a really long walk after breakfast. We talked a lot about Buddhism and life and he taught us some stuff like how to mindfully drink some Indian tea. He brought us to where he stays and the we went to the castle of the mayor of the city. All of the scenery was really pretty beautiful, it was like something out of a Robert Frost poem. I think it's Robert Frost. Tony gave us some home made moon cakes that his mentor made and they were sooooo goooood. After that we came back and I read for a while. Matt and I played ping pong and then we started naming all the stray cats. There's Bandit, Snowball, and Branch-Moss. We found Branch-Moss next to a tree and I want it to be Branch but Matt likes the name Moss. Alright that's all, Bye!


Today was a free day to do whatever we want. Last night I went to bed early and I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Then I went and had breakfast. After breakfast I went and played ping pong. Then I went for a walk with Noah and Jon. Then we came back and had lunch. After lunch we played soccer with some of the monks and other people staying here. Then we went to a happiness meeting. In the happiness meeting I shared that I am happy to be in plum village because of the nature, the frogs, and the fact that my mom was pregnant with me while in France. I also played some one on one basketball with Eric. Then I went for a walk. Then I had a very good dinner. I played a lot of ping pong today. 


Today, on our lazy day, we ate breakfast instead of doing meditation. I just relaxed today in Plum Village. I walked with John and Wesley for a while. I played ping pong with some Arch people and walked around the village. I went to the book store but I didn't buy anything because there's nothing interesting for me to buy. We did happy meditation in the meditation hall. I talked about what made me so happy about Plum Village and letting things go. Tomorrow, we are going to do regular schedule for meditation in Plum Village.


Lazy day. Now that just sounds like my kind of day. So I slept in until about 9:30 and then ate the rest of my plum cake for breakfast. After getting up, I went and walked around. I played ping pong with Cooper and then discovered that like me Taylor does not like losing. Unfortunately by morning she was better than us. Not sure about the end of the day though. Then I played soccer with a lot of people whose names I don't remember, and then we played ping pong again and then dinner and that's it. Bye.


What's up friends I am about to go on the longest walk I have gone on. I'm having a very great time because everyone here is really cool. I really love the community feel of this place. I have played a lot of ping pong and I am hoping that I will be really good when I am come back. I am feeling pretty healthy but I got diarrhea the first day which was fun. Now I feel pretty good so I think everything digestive related will go well after the next few days. I am really happy about everything and I had a great time talking to the monks. Great lazy day have a nice one.


Today was awesome. It was a free day, meaning we did not have to do anything. So... I did a lot of sports! I did soccer, volleyball, basketball, and pingpong. During soccer I hit Drew with my forearm and almost hurt him two other times. It was really fun because I did really well. I met a guy that was very mindful while playing soccer. He told me to breathe in and then out while I had the ball. It didn't help much though. Then I started playing basketball and fell over a bamboo stick and a tree root chasing down the ball. Then I played pingpong with Matt, won, ate a victory dinner, and blogged. The end.




Plum Village has turned out to be quite the experience! Please excuse the brevity of my post as we have a limited time on the wifi before bed. Today Taylor, Eric, Drew, and I accompanied the kids on a bus ride down the hill to New Hamlet for a formal lunch with the monks and nuns. After one of the nuns delivered an amazing speech, we enjoyed a walking meditation before sitting down to eat. After lunch we enjoyed a Dharma share, which is essentially a group discussion where we talk about how we're feeling. Betsy Rose, a folk singer and longtime colleague of the founder of Plum Village, asked to sit in on our particular discussion. Although she originally planned to spend time with each of the four or so discussion groups, she was so moved by the Arch kid's shares that she actually stayed with our group the whole time. While the day started with the kids bonding over their shared longing for reliable Wi-Fi and cheeseburgers, the afternoon came to a close with all of us smiling wide while helping the famous (in Buddhist circles anyway) folk singer sing John Lennon's "Imagine." At this point all the other groups of adults had gathered to marvel at our circle. I couldn't help but be proud of the fact that this singer would rather strum her guitar with the Arch students than the other groups. To be honest, the collection of adults actually looked a little jealous of our group! Once we were back to our hamlet we had a nice dinner and then a free night. With no planned activities the kids played ping pong, went for mini hikes, and enjoyed talking to the monks. The kids seem to be adjusting well to the simple life. CJ even said he didn't want to watch a movie tomorrow, saying he'd rather spend the time outdoors. Chip keeps cracking everyone up with jokes while Matt keeps the monks on their toes with his knowledge of their studies, while Diana actually joined a drum circle! And as per the course of this week, Wesley and Noah continue to be the quietest and perhaps best at meditating . I swear these kids are more Zen then I'll ever be. Tomorrow is a free day which means no scheduled activities besides breakfast lunch and dinner so that should be fun. Happy Mother's Day!


Today started out with meditation and breakfast but then we went to New Hamlet. We listened to a dharma talk and did walking meditation. Then we ate lunch and listened to a special Mother's Day talk, which was hard for me but good at the same time. We then returned to Upper Hamlet. After dinner, I met a couple that were from Romania. I started talking to them and learned that for about 50 years it was a communist place and then in the 1990's it became total chaos. I also learned that gypsies in Romania are a beautiful culture and are not what most people think of when they think of gypsies. I also learned that many poets and artists come from the town where I was born, even to this day. I learned how to say "thank you" but I have no idea how to spell it. Happy Mother's Day to everyone that is a mother.


Today started off pretty crumby but then got good. After breakfast and meditation, we took a field trip to New hamlet. We stay at the Upper Hamlet and it's a forty minute drive to New Hamlet. We went there for a lecture from an older nun who spoke English just for us, Arch Academy! Pretty cool. But it was pretty boring and most of us fell asleep. There was also this really chill guitar player and singer named Betsy Rose. Then we had to do a walking meditation but Matt and I snuck away from the group and walked in a hill by ourselves until lunch. We had a formal lunch in the meditation hall. It was pretty weird since the girls were on one side and guys on the other. It was like sixth grade prom. Betsy sung a pretty good song for Mother's Day and I remembered my mother and I got a little teary since it's my first without my her. She's probably with my brother. Love you, mom! After that it started getting pretty good. We sat around in a circle with some monks and Betsy to talk about ourselves and sing songs. Tonight and tomorrow is going to be "lazy" so I'm excited for that. Alright that's all I got. Love and miss you, mom. Bye!


Hello all, this is your friend Matt. Today was a hard day because I got pretty sick. I had the "trots" (Eric's word) pretty bad but the food is really healthy so I just have to get used to it. In the beginning of the day I was kind of angry and not very mindful but then I got happier throughout the day because of the fact that we are in a pretty happy place. A woman named Betsy Rose sang to us and it was a pretty happy time. It is challenging to get used to the fact that we stare at our food for like ten minutes and we literally take thirty minutes to eat a small portion but it's alright because the food is pretty good. We hung out with the Buddhist sisters and it was really fun. Also its Mother's Day so I love you, mom. Also, I'm hoping to get back and eat a bunch of In 'n Out. Good night.


Today we woke up and we went to meditation. Then we went and had some breakfast. After breakfast we went down to Lower Hamlet and we spent the day there. First, we listened to speeches and music. The music was kind of sad music. Several times I got to see a frog, my favorite animal. I even got to hear them croak! Then we sat down in a circle and had a talk with the monks. The monks shared some vegan cake. When there was one peace left, Drew yelled at Chip to give it to a monk! I thought it was funny. Then we came back to Upper Hamlet and had dinner. 


So today we went to New Hamlet which I did not know existed. Its like the Upper Hamlet, but... you know... newer. And smaller to a degree. I don't know, this place is huge! You need buses to get to it. But anyway while up t--A cricket just landed on me. As I'm writing this. It's very windy today--Back on track. While up there a dharma talk was given and it was done in English instead of Vietnamese just for us. They seem to be paying special attention to us. Not sure why though. Afterward we shared a bonding moment as we all described how we were losing our sanity. Thank god tomorrow and the rest of this evening are a lazy days. Anyway, we talked about our feelings and how we were doing since coming here. It helped me a lot actually. This group was again held especially for the Arch students or those who felt they were high schoolers at heart and a singer named Betzi was there. She was staying at Lower Hamlet and was a song writer for equality and all that stuff. But she was interesting. At the end we all sang "Imagine."

Yesterday I realized something. And today made it way more obvious, particularly when we all lost our marbles. I haven't said it to my parents but... thanks for sending me to Spain, for guiding me, for putting food on the table, for sending me to Buddhist monasteries where I can enjoy peace and lose all sanity. Thanks a lot for driving me there and thanks for coming for me; thanks a lot for putting a roof over my head; thanks a lot for working and choosing to live where we do where there aren't any bugs; thanks a lot for putting up with my ungrateful snot-nosed [expletive] attitude; thanks for raising me. I can't thank enough. Thanks for not giving up on me mom. Happy Mother's Day. And Dad, too, I guess. But hey, it's her day. You'll get your day.


Today, we took a bus to another village (New Hamlet) for the meditation. We did some listening and sitting meditation. We ate lunch and listened to Betzi Rose's song on her guitar. We had a group talk about who we are to Betzi and the monks. When we got back to Plum Village on our bus, I was tried to take a shower but the showers are too cold. I want the showers to be hot but I don't know how to make them hot. Tomorrow, we are doing a lazy day and we won't do meditation.

Saturday, May 7, 2016



Limited Wi-Fi means short blog. The students have been great and the first twenty four hours have passed peacefully. We'll see how they feel about yet more oatmeal and lentils tomorrow.
All the best to those at home!

Matt: Day 7

Where am I?

I'm in the moment, it is quite cool and things are simpler. Being part of the Sanga means I am one with the Buddhists. None of our western hooey is really like this place (even though it is better than nothing). My takeaway from the day is the challenge it is to be a monk. I can't go through the day without thinking about what I am going to do once I get out of Plum Village at least a couple of times. I love the Sanga feel here. It is quite nice to be able to smile and be cool with random strangers. That must be the partial key to true happiness for the Buddhist. The Buddhist monks live in such a way that is quite nice; amazingly simple while still being difficult. It is very difficult to be so simple and be happy at the same time. Especially keeping it up for long periods of time. But it is definitely a feeling that is quite unique and positive. Goodnight. Take it easy.

Chip: Day 7

Today started off kind of weird. I thought we were supposed to go to meditation at 6:00 and therefore had to get up 5:00. But I thought we had to meditate at 5:00 so I got everybody up at 4:45 and they weren't happy when they found out they got up too early. Other than that, the day was pretty good. We got an orientation speech that lasted 2 hours. I felt like falling asleep sometimes but I made sure to see if others were too before I closed my eyes. After that, I got to play ping-pong with my mates and some monks. I beat a monk which was pretty exciting since they play ping pong all the time. After that we worked on the farm where all the food comes from. I wheelbarrowed the fertilizer to the plants and shoveled the fertilizer onto the wheelbarrow (not in that order). Lunch and dinner were really good; I had lentils with rice and broccoli. I guess that's all. If I left anything out somebody else probably blogged it. Bye!

Noah: Day 7

We started doing meditation somewhere at 6 a.m. in the morning. It was raining outside so I brought my parka to the meditation hall for sitting meditation. We ate breakfast after we did meditation. We went down a hill for walking meditation and we had to move slowly so walking meditation could help us be healthy. We ate lunch and introduced ourselves and why we're here in Plum Village. I played ping pong with the monks and other Arch students. I think ping pong could be interesting for me to play. We walked to the happy farm to help with farming. I used the wheelbarrow to carry dirt and compost. We're going to do more sitting meditation at 8 p.m. tonight.

CJ: Day 7

So today was...different. the morning began with us getting up too early as a result of someone's incompetence. (Chip!) It was raining this morning when we woke up and during meditation. It of course stopped because I just can't get any rain on this trip. After meditation we had breakfast. The food is not bad but the format of being silent and eating as a group is weirding me out. Then we began walking meditation into the forest. This was the high point of my day because there was a place I could just sit and look out into the forest. I could stay on that spot for days. There was just some thing...very special about it. Then after a break we had lunch then I got to work at the happy farms. This made me appreicate the fact that I live in America with a rich family so I don't have to work like this. That was pretty much my day. The part I really cared about was that forest. I still can't put my finger on it, but I felt at peace. Hope everything is o.k. in the states.

Diana: Day 7

I woke up today feeling happy and relaxed; not tired at all. We missed sitting meditation this morning so I decided to do walking meditation instead. Before I knew it I was done and it was time for breakfast. The food was not bad; I had oatmeal with raisins, kiwis, apples, and a banana. After breakfast I decided to lay down and rest. At about 9:30 a.m. we all went into the meditation hall and listened to one of the monks talk about the practice of Mindfulness. We then did walking meditation which was amazing! It was beautiful! When I was walking slowly I realized that I did not know how exactly to walk slowly very well. I started realizing that I never give myself time to slow down and become aware of what's around me. Still, I felt very peaceful and relaxed. I also saw on the walk a place where there are many Buddha statues. Each one is slightly different from the other. After lunch we played ping pong with the monks and it was so much fun. I learned that Chip is actually really good. We then did working meditation at happy farms. I did the composting. I would fill a wheelbarrow with manure and then wheel it to a row of dirt and empty it. It was hard but really fun!! After we went to dinner and now we are going to do sitting meditation followed by sleep. I hope everyone is doing well at home. 

Wesley: Day 7

Today John took me for a walk and I saw more of the nature here. In Plum Village, when you look in every corner, you are like, "ahh." We are surrounded by so much nature! One great thing is there are a lot of wishing flowers! I just have to make a wish, blow on it, not tell anyone, and it will come true. Today we did walking meditation through the nature. Then we had lunch. After, I played ping pong with Chip. Then I played soccer in the meadows with Drew. When we went and worked in the field, one of the farmers asked us what we liked the best about it and I told him.




This is the day I have dreaded for seventeen years.

If Barcelona was like something out of a James Bond film, then San Sebastian is like something out of a Sarah Jessica Parker film. It’s fashionable without being quaint, historic without being outdated, and paradisiacal without being paradise. CJ and I roused ourselves a little on the early side for a quick sortie into the old quarter for some last-second souvenir shopping. Our goal had been a souvenir t-shirt shop because, well, CJ, but unfortunately it had yet to open. However, it did have a website so I suggested that we game the system and order a souvenir online once we were back stateside.

After meeting up with the rest of the riff raff-er, students back at the hotel, we ventured forth and promptly… missed the ideal bus. By less than a minute. In true Arch fashion, we called an audible and took a different bus to a bus stop that was near enough to the train station that we only had to sprint madly to make the train. No biggie. Arch students poured out of the bus in front of the Buen Pastor (Good Shepherd) Cathedral and scattered in seemingly every direction. Just a small group of Americans stampeding through San Sebastian, which felt apropos given that we were in Basque country and near enough to Pamplona that none of the natives seemed particularly unnerved by it. Actually, I don’t know that for sure. I didn’t see much other than the map and street signs. We made the station with mere minutes to spare, aided by a kindly platform attendant. And aside from the difficulty in closing Diana’s luggage despite the combined weight of her and Cheryl (which, why was it open in the first place! Wait—no, I don’t want to know—just get on the train!)…we boarded the train to Hendaye.

The Spanish countryside receded behind us and we entered France, in my case for the first time since my mission. I took Matt and CJ with me to search for some camera film but we only managed to find a patisserie with chocolates, ham & swiss on buttered baguette sandwiches, and waffles that are so decadent they might as well be called wrongffles. The TGV arrived and we boarded it with much less drama than most of our previous transports. It didn’t sit well with us so we invented some drama of our own just to let the Fates know that we still had one wary eye on them. Cooper, Matt, Chip and I filmed some trailer scenes for a comedy spoof entitled Snakes on a Train, which pretty much consists of us quoting variations of Samuel L. Jackson lines and running away from nothing that even remotely resembled a snake (we’ll fix it in post). Then Drew made the tragic mistake of falling asleep with his mouth open. It was so open you might as well call it “agape.” Well… I mean, who could resist. When he finally did wake up, he chewed, swallowed, then looked around blearily and said, “what the h___ did I just eat?” Truth be told, I’m still not sure.

And if that’s the truth, then so is this: I was grateful for the distraction. In the quiet moments leading up to this (of which there were precious few), I had experienced bouts of sentimentality. I thought of France and my time there. Of grec shops and mille feuille. Of cathedrals and prefectures. Of the French and the French-Africans. Of slammed doors and subway conversations and chalk drawings and held hands and laughter and fatigue and tears and tears and tears and tears. I thought of who I had been and who I had become. Of how meaningful my mission had been. How the person who came home to Montana was not the person who had left. And I felt a creeping terror of accounting for the seventeen years that had passed since I had been away.

Or I tried to. I was kinda laughing too hard at the prank played on Drew to dwell too much on it. And Matt’s mind was being blown about the surf seen beyond the window that I had to help him ask a woman the name of the location (which will remain a closely guarded secret until Matt can surf it). And CJ and I worked on figuring out how many dollars remained in the trip’s budget based off of the number of Euros we had spent. And the buses wouldn’t load us to take us to Libourne—oh no, wait, we’re on the next one? What’s wrong with—I mean why can’t we?—never mind, we’ll take the next one. And Diana has all the willingness but needs just a touch of help speaking with some of the French people. And Matt is talking to a girl who speaks English really well but he’s dissing farms and I’m sitting right here! And Noah, who everyone is convinced is something between a traveling savant and a ninja, continues to roll through this trip with barely a peep… well, except for when he stretches and, yeti-like, he suddenly becomes the loudest person in the room. And then there’s a gaggle of monks waiting for us (it’s a “gaggle” right? “Flock," maybe? I doubt it’s a “murder”). And our driver, from the south of Spain, telling us how he had come to Plum Village a year ago for a week that ended up lasting a year; how everything is wonderful and peaceful; how as he says it I can’t believe how much I miss my wife.

We arrive at Plum village and I know it’s going to happen. I’m going to start bawling any moment. I’m back in France for the first time since the last time and the last time I cried so hard that I couldn’t form words; couldn’t conjure them in my mind; both languages had failed me and all I had to communicate with my loved ones were tears and emptiness. And I know that it’s all going to come rushing back at me. I was born in America but it was in France that I became me.

And there’s Wesley, walking about the grounds, taking in what there is to see. He had been quiet most of the day, which isn’t terribly like him. It had been a day of sights and sounds and sensations. Enough to distract an old has-been missionary from a life lived a lifetime ago, back when I was Wesley’s age. And now all of that had been stilled and there’s Wesley taking it all in. And I wonder if all that stillness and silence is overwhelming him. “What do you think, Wesley?” I do want to know but if I’m being honest, I just need a new distraction.

“It’s beautiful here,” he says.

It’s beautiful here.

He’s right. He says it and I see it. I’m not back in France at all.

Truth is, I never left.

Wesley: Day 6

I am in plum village right now and it is amazing. It is such a fun place to be. Its reminds me of being in Alaska. It is just beautiful. On the train going to plum village all of the nature looked like new Zealand. Last night the dinner was so good. The breakfast this morning was only ok.  The meditation in Plum Village is so nice. I have been doing a lot of deep breathing on this trip. The beautiful nature is what is making me do that. I am a little stuffy but I am still having a very good time and I bet I am going to have a great week in Plum Village. Mom and dad, what has my Mully dog been up to?

Noah: Day 6

Yesterday, we took a train on our way to Plum Village. We took an express train in Spain and we took the TGV in France. The TGV looks likes a bullet train from Japan because it’s a high speed train and it can run fast. We got off the train and got on the bus to go to another train station because there was construction in the way. We meet the monks from Plum Village and rode in vans to Plum Village. Plum Village looks like a Japanese garden. We have to follow the rules in Plum Village like when the bell rings we have to stop what we are doing like walking or eating. We did sitting meditation and walking meditation in the meditation hall. Meditation looks like it’s helping me to let things go. I didn’t blog yesterday because we had to go to sleep before 10 p.m. We have to wake up every morning and be ready by 6 a.m. for meditation. I’ll remember to follow the rules in Plum Village and do some meditation. I miss you all.

CJ: Day 6

Travel again continues to be a test of strength. We got on our first train (which we barely made) to some tiny French town and then decided to make changes to our plans due to construction in Bordeaux. it was there I discovered that I have been doing waffles all wrong. The best topping is not syrup; it’s salted caramel. A lot of salted caramel. Then we boarded our TGV, which after a few stops, accelerated to its high speed. Once we did arrive we had to make some bus transfer which is where many language barriers popped up. The buses were too full so we had to wait for another bus. After that we got on another train, then we met the monks, and began an hour long drive across the countryside. We are now at Plum Village. It’s... uhm… well, it’s kinda difficult to put into words. Its atmosphere is very relaxing and it’s surrounded by nature. I’m not really sure how to describe it actually. As for the Buddhism part, “trippy" is the first thing that pops into mind. Yeah, this is weird. I don’t really know what to expect over the coming week.

Matt: Day 6

So today was mostly a day of traveling. It has been quite a short day of traveling considering how long our previous days were. We are now in Plum Village and I am already bothering John about life's biggest questions and how Buddhism can answer them. I am hoping to have a really mindful week full of more silence than I have ever had in my life. Hopefully, I can accomplish talking very little (I think people around me will enjoy this). Talking is such a waste of energy. It can bring on so much suffering if it is done incessantly. The train rides over were cool because we met a bunch of French people and Eric finally got to show off his French speaking skills. We also had some real French food and it was quite amazing. By far the best pastry I have had for a while. Have a nice one everyone.

Chip: Day 6

Today was a pretty good day. I got to sleep in today until 10:00 but I had to leave as soon as I got up. We took a train to France but there was construction so we had to take a bus after a couple of stops. It was pretty stressful but we finally met John after we got off the first train. After all of the traveling, we finally went to Plum Village. It was pretty exciting that we finally got to go there and see all of the monks. You know, I expected there to be a lot more monkey business.😁 But seriously, everything there was really nice; John gave us a tour and we got there right before dinner. I had rice with yellow curry and there was a lot more food than I thought there would be. After that, we did meditation. We sat for 30 minutes and then we did a walking meditation which means we have to walk super slow for 30 minutes. It was really relaxing and I enjoyed it a lot. Well that's pretty much all we did, I guess there's not much to talk about today. I thought I saw my old English teacher Mr. Landis, and we also made a movie on the train called Snakes on a Train. Bye!

Diana: Day 6

Today started out with me and Beth going to town to get some pastries. We got back to the hotel and got ready to go to the train station. The thing was, we had to run to catch the bus. I talked to a woman in French and met a guy that was an exchange student. One of the trains got stopped because of construction work, so we had to get on a bus that would take us to Libourne and from there a train to Ste Foye la Grande. When we got to the meeting place, we went with the monks in their vans and drove to Plum Village. When we got there we walked around and checked it out. It is absolutely amazing! It is so beautiful. It is green and peaceful. After we walked around a little we ate dinner. It was not bad. Actually, it was really good. I had brown rice, vegetables, tomato, and soup. After we went to our rooms, we meet at the meditation hall. We meditated for an hour which was really cool. Thank you Cheryl for teaching us and helping us with meditation. I knew what to do for the most part. After, we went back and blogged.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Arch Academy Global Trip 2016 - Day 5


Today was quite the adventure, which at this point on the trip is very much an every day expectation. We began the day with a four hour walking tour of San Sebastián with a local guide who showed us meat markets, historical squares, and took us along a cool beach route. He was also gracious enough to give us a much needed half hour break in the shade mid-tour, an opportunity he used to enlighten us about the history of this great city. My personal favorite part of the day was taking the sky tram up to the top of the hill near our hotel. It was a bit like a ski lift, but instead of snow we got an amazing view of the bay, the tiny island in the middle of it, and France in the distance. Our guide was very kind and informative and was quite funny as well. After that the kids went into town to get some food with the chaperones before hitting the beach. CJ somehow convinced Eric, a born Montanan, to body surf in the cold beach break. The kids were all super excited to see him catch a wave, and it wasn't long before literally all of them were in the water. After the beach we went into town for some souvenir shopping and an amazing dinner. We took cabs back to the hotel and are now going to bed. We have a big day of traveling over to France tomorrow, where we'll meet John for a week at a Buddhist monastery. Namaste! 

Noah: Day 5

Big adventure tour in San Sebastian

Today we took a big tour of San Sebastian. We took a city bus to meet the tour guide and he took us to a food store, where he showed us meat and fish that they sell there. We walked along the beach and took the sky tram up the mountain. I saw the view of San Sebastian and it was beautiful. We ate lunch and played on the beach. We also dug a big hole and made a wall to block the waves. After we played on the beach, we traveled around San Sebastian to find some souvenirs but we couldn't find any we before we ate dinner. Tomorrow morning we are going to Plum Village in France. I miss you all and we're going to do some meditation tomorrow!

Wesley: Day 5

Today I woke up, and I had breakfast. Then we went on a tour of San Sebastián. We went through a very cool market. In the meat department we saw a skinned lambs head, sheep brains, cow lips, and cow nose. When we saw the fish department it made me hungry, which made me miss my lunches with my dog Molly. Than we took a train up a steep mountain, and on the top of the mountain we got a great view: we saw France! We took a team back down the mountain. After the tour we split up into groups and walked in the town. I went with Matt, Noah, CJ, and Chip. We went and looked at stores. We saw a very pretty market so we stopped and we got a snack. I got myself a bag of apricots and some pop. Then we went to the bakery and I got some jelly shortbread cookies. I love markets in Europe that only sell fruits and vegetables. Then we went and we had dinner. I finally got to try steak tar tar. It was good but it was an acquired taste and it was rich, so I got some fries with it. Tomorrow morning we are going to say goodbye to Spain. I thought Spain was a great place. The towns were so beautiful. They had beautiful beaches, trees, building, nature and pretty girls. I am going to be sad to leave Spain, but I know Plum Village will be just as good.

Diana: Day 5

What a fantastic day! Today I woke up and had freshly squeezed orange juice. It was so good! We then went on a walking tour which was fun. We learned about Saint Sebastian and that he was a Roman solder that protected the city. He was then killed by being tied to a wooden post and then shot with arrows. The city was beautiful!!! I saw Cheryl, who was laying out on the beach, and took a break with her while the others continued on the tour. I then went into the water with Eric and CJ and played in the waves. The lock jammed on the hotel room that I am staying in so I was locked out for a little bit, but the hotel fixed it before dimmer time. After, we all went into town and did some shopping. We then went to the hotel and blogged. 

CJ: Day 5

So, today we had a walking tour of San Sebastian that, due to many wars and conflicts, was burned six times and is currently full of underground meat markets that have every piece of the butchered animal on sale. There were many great and pretty sights that will never be forgotten.

Now to the fun part! I got Eric in the water where we tried to teach him the way of the zombie. Body surfing may also have occured. Then Matt and Chip began digging in the beach and ended up starting a new religious sect of "the hole." After I was done swimming, I too took interest in this great gaping hole and joined the now religious cult lead by Eric as the great defender from Camelot. This great hole became a deep, ghastly, all-consuming hole. The hole was then forsaken because we had to eat dinner, and we hailed our high priest Eric for the last time. Yeah, this is just the kinda stuff that happens before we go to happy fun Buddhist town where I look forward to mindful silence. That was today! 

Matt: Day 5

Oh my god was it a great day. So we woke up today and we went on a beautiful walking tour and we saw the amazing city of San Sebastián and learned about the unique Basque culture. Our tour guide was really cool and we learned some words in the very difficult to learn basque language. Apparently it takes 12 years to be fluent in the language. That's a hard language to learn! We all also learned what some respected customs are in the Basque Country and realized how to not wreak of being a tourist. Tomorrow we are going to perhaps the most interesting place on our trip: Plum Village for seven days of something the kids are calling "mindfulness." No one really knows what to expect even though Cheryl has tried to explain it to us. After that we went to the beach and dug a huge hole. It showed what people as a team can do. After we left, there were kids playing in the hole; it was pretty cool. After that we went to the town and I ate squid! It was pretty good, really worth the long flight.

Chip: Day 5

Today was a fun day! This morning we had a tour of San Sebastián from our guide Miguel. He told us a lot about the culture and history of the city, including the history of the an all men's cooking club. Another thing I learned is that San Sebastián is named after the character from the bible, Saint Sebastián. He was a Roman soldier who believed in being a Good Samaritan. His punishment for this was to be tied to a tree and shot with a ton of arrows. I actually remember hearing about him and seeing paintings of him at a museum in LA. Miguel and our group had a really good time and we enjoyed it. After that, we got food and went to the beach. When we went to the beach, Matt, Eric, CJ, and I dug a really big hole in the sand. We were all really proud of it but when we got ready to go into town we had to leave it for the kids to play with. I guess that that's what pictures are made for. Then we went souvenir shopping. I guess that's all for now, tomorrow we are going to Plum Village which I am really excited for! Bye!



San Sebastián
Today was a nice relaxing day, a welcome break from the jam-packed days at the beginning of our trip. We woke up a little before 10 and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at the hotel. After our scheduled bus was running too late for our itinerary, Eric and Beth saved the day by rerouting us to take another bus from Bilbao to San Sebastián. We weaved through the Spanish countryside and after about an hour made it to our destination. After a quick city bus ride, we found ourselves at our hotel, which is located just one block from the beach. The view is stunning, and the town is simply amazing. Good job planning the trip Matt!

Drew took Wesley and Noah into town, where they found a great sandwich place during their exploration. Although the place was technically closed for siesta, apparently the three were so polite that the store owner made an exception!

Meanwhile, Taylor and I swam out into the freezing water with CJ, Chip, and Diana. When asked if he was going out CJ replied, "you're damn right I am!" before charging into the water. That's the Zombie spirit!! He brought a go pro out with us as we swam, and we took turns diving down to the bottom of the sandbar. It was the clearest water I've personally swam in for quite some time.

After spending most of the day swimming and playing soccer at the beach, we met for dinner at a local restaurant. We all tried food a little out of our comfort zone, from foreign fish to even pigeon! Everything was delicious. Another successful day for Arch Academy!

Noah: Day 4

Big adventures in San Sebastian

We took a tram and public bus ride to San Sebastian instead of taking a private bus because the private bus didn’t pick us up at 10 a.m. It could have been stuck in traffic. I almost got jet lagged on the bus and I was thinking I’m feeling sick and had no idea why I’m feeling sick. When we arrived at San Sebastian, we took a city bus to the hotel near the beach. The beach looks nice because an island is close to the shore. I played in the beach and the ocean looks cold maybe because it's the Atlantic ocean or Mediterranean sea. Tomorrow morning, we're going to have a big tour in San Sebastian. I miss you all and I'll see you soon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Chip: Day 4

Today started off pretty weird. We thought we were supposed to leave at 11:00 on a bus to San Sebastián, but we got a sudden change that the bus was going to leave at 10:00. We figured this out at 9:30 whilst we were all sleeping. The bus ended up not coming at all so we took a tram to a public bus. The tram was a lot like the trolley in San Diego except it was tinier. When we got on the bus, I sat next to Taylor and we talked the whole time, mostly about movies, shows, music, and books we liked. San Sebastián was a really beautiful place. Our hotel wasn't even a block away from the beach and there's a whole lot of statues to take pictures of. Heather, CJ, and I went to go souvenir shopping and to get food. As much as we tried, we couldn't find a souvenir shop or any good food so we went to a burger place and I got a burger. When we came bwe went to the beach which was apparently a nude beach, but there were only a few topless women which isn't that big a deal so I'm not sure it was a nude beach. Cooper, CJ, Taylor and I went swimming in the super cold water. It was really fun and afterwards, Diana and I had a rock skipping contest and I won after I skipped a rock at least ten times. I took lots of pictures today and I feel like they were really good. Well that's all for now. Bye!

Wesley: Day 4

Today we woke up and had breakfast. Then our bus to San Sebastián did not show up so we had to take a train and a different buss. San Sebastián is a very small town. In the after noon first I went for  a walk with Matt. Then I went and had lunch with Noah and drew. Then we went to the beach and I played ball with Eric. Then I went for a walk with Heather. Then for dinner I ate pigeon. It tasted like beef. This whole week I have been a little stuffy from the airplane. Some how tonight it got worse, but if I sleep well I should feel better. This trip is fun. Today was a nice relaxing day, a welcome break from the jam-packed days at the beginning of our trip. We woke up a little before 10 and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at the hotel. After our scheduled bus was running too late for our itinerary, Eric and Beth saved the day by rerouting us to take another bus from Bilbao to San Sebastián. We weaved through the Spanish countryside and after about an hour made it to our destination. After a quick city bus ride, we found ourselves at our hotel, which is located just one block from the beach. The view is stunning, and the town is simply amazing. Good job planning the trip Matt!

Drew took Wesley and Noah into town, where they found a great sandwich place during their exploration. Although the place was technically closed for siesta, apparently the three were so polite that the store owner made an exception!

Meanwhile, Taylor and I swam out into the freezing water with CJ, Chip, and Diana. When asked if he was going out CJ replied, "you're damn right I am!" before charging into the water. That's the Zombie spirit!! He brought a go pro out with us as we swam, and we took turns diving down to the bottom of the sandbar. It was the clearest water I've personally swam in for quite some time.

After spending most of the day swimming and playing soccer at the beach, we met for dinner at a local restaurant. We all tried food a little out of our comfort zone, from foreign fish to even pigeon! Everything was delicious. Another successful day for Arch Academy.